AmarSa Tantra Massage for women and men

…is touch that reaches the soul through the skin.

Every human being has the fundamental need and the longing to be touched, holistically. I am convinced that this loving and mindful, but unintentional, massage of the entire body evokes a deep sense of being accepted. My peaceful space of silence and the security and the trust given by me makes it possible to get in touch with yourself whilst at the same time being with ‘everything that is’. This primordial experience, lost through the conditioning of the church and of society, can be made accessible to us again when the mind is temporarily switched off and we arrive back at our very own self.

This Tantra Massage is a holistic ritual in which the divine, the perfection, is worshiped in the human beiing. This happens through touch and perception in the here and now.

It is an effective, body and consciousness orientated sensual massage in which the entire body is massaged, adored, touched and cared for. It awakens the body energies and brings them into balance. Characteristic of the AmarSa  Tantra Massage are flowing wave like movements that slide over the entire body in alternation between fast and slow moments, light and powerful touch, rest and movement sequences… just like water that flows into the smallest cracks. Although the massage has a solid and meaningful structure, it also leaves room for improvisation and intuitive leadership from the masseuse.

There is no ban on contact, but throughout the massage you remain the recipient. A sexual exchange does not take place.

A deep enjoyable experience of this massage involves two people:

I, as the masseuse, give you all my presence and total dedication, with love.

You, as the recipient need the confidence to let yourself go, to open yourself, to let me in, to take off any masks, and just BE in the here and now … and enjoy.


I invite you on this return journey to your ’self’, where once again you can wholeheartedly feel in touch with your own sensual sexual energy and strength without any pressure or expectation.

Treat yourself to this experience and allow me to be your caring travel companion.  Dare to indulge your own lust, reduce taboos and expand your personal boundaries.


This is YOUR journey,

it leads into YOUR body,

it is part of YOUR life experience.


I am looking forward to welcoming you.


The AmarSa  Tantric massage is not a therapy and therefore has no intention of healing, but can convey a salutary experience through one’s own sensuality in such area such as impotence, premature ejaculation, excessive shyness, sexual aversion, uncertainty after illness, surgery or pregnancy, etc. The recipient takes full responsibility for his/her personal experience of the massage.

AmarSa Tantric Shibari Ritual

Free liberation in ropes

I have been passionately and professionally dedicated to tantra massages for some time, and am now expanding this to include the “Tantric-Shibari-Ritual”.
Now you’re probably wondering how tantric massages can go hand in hand with rope-bondage…?
However, if you delve deeper into the subject, there are many parallels and similarities.
Shibari, originally from Japan, means “the technique or art of tying up” and has a wide variety of purposes, for example to photographically depict artistic stagings or erotic play, but it also has a therapeutic motivation, to which I refer here. This loving bondage massage is and remains a Tantra Massage, in which I also carefully incorporate other sensual and more intense stimuli.

In an extensive preliminary discussion, we will define the upcoming ritual together and talk about your wishes, limits and fears in this regard. (“Wheel of consent”). Together we create a framework in which you feel safe and secure so that you can let yourself fall into your process with confidence. I will accompany you attentively and humbly on your journey into your innermost essence, where you can create new sensory experiences….. either simply being held and accepted lovingly and gently and/or feeling something really blatant in your surrender by playing respectfully and in moderation with pleasure and pain. As before the Tantra Massage, I open the ritual by connecting with your soul/heart and honoring and appreciating the divine essence (Shiva or Shakti) within you.

What possibilities does this ritual open up for you?

The Tantric-Shibari-Ritual is all about what you feel…
You have the opportunity to practice feeling and living your emotions in the present moment and let them go instead of storing them in your body. There are no social norms to fulfill. You might sweat, blush, shake, tremble, cry, scream, yell… these are all natural ways of releasing emotions. The natural physiological lifespan of even the most intense emotion, according to neuroscientists, lasts not more than 90 seconds. The emotion will eventually fade away, and you will experience some kind of shift in your state – relief, peace, a feeling of lightness or renewed energy. This is the sign that a natural emotional cycle is completed. I offer you a protected surrounding, accompanying you in this healing process where you have the chance to feel, release and act out layers of emotions, stored in your body sometimes for a long time.

Often in life, many people find it difficult to say NO to certain situations or events, to set themselves apart. Here you have the opportunity to step out of your comfort zone in an experimental but protected space, to recognize your boundaries and express them verbally without being judged or condemned. Taboo topics, feelings of shame, blockages and mental limitations can and will be released.

With regard to your body awareness, you can perceive and accept completely new physical sensations and feelings or even enter a state of euphoria. Some people experience a strong energy boost through a variety of hormones that are released during a ritual. Endorphins, dopamine, serotonin, adrenaline and oxytocin are released through touch, pain and a loving, sometimes comforting connection, in the system. It is a form of meditation that can help to calm the nervous system, get out of your head and to become fully aware of your breathing, movement and touch in the here and now.

It can be a way to explore your own sexuality, pleasure, desires and needs in a safe and consensual way, to re-learn boundaries or to discover new things about yourself. If you let yourself go completely and surrender, you can reach higher states of consciousness, experience and explore self-love and the divine within yourself.

New feelings or insights always lead to personal growth. You have the opportunity to discover limiting beliefs, convictions and patterns. Traumas can be considered in a guided framework and new positive experiences can be experienced in a safe and protected space. You can show your vulnerability without being judged, condemned or exploited.

Before you decide for a Tantric Shibari-Ritual, I recommend that you receive a “normal” Tantric Massage first.

Oh yes, and to avoid any misunderstandings, I would like to make it clear that I am not a domina and that there is no sexual exchange ;-))

Rather, I invite you to immerse yourself in new spaces of experience through my guidance, to break up and let go of old patterns, blockages or traumas in order to feel the universal love that is everything, that YOU are….

Be open and curious to explore yourself, your inner world and your infinite potential a little more…

AmarSa Masaje “Ritual for three”

For couples

…New impulses for the partnership

Statistically, every sexual session between couples lasts between 7 and 18 minutes. In today’s fast paced, performance driven society couples rarely have enough time for intimate exchange. Love and sexuality are often perceived and experienced as seperate and apart from each other and this can lead to inner emptiness.


At the request of my clients I now offer the “Ritual to Third” – a pleasurable ‘get acquainted’ with the AmarSa Tantra Massage for couples. During these sessions one of the couple is massaged and the other has a ‘secondary role’ which is where I invite them to observe, experience and strenghthen the desire of their partner during the massage. While I, as an experienced tantra masseuse, spoil one partner from head to toe, the couple hold hands so that the recipient can truly relax and indulge completely.  Even though only observing, the partner with the passive role invariably enjoys a highly emotional and intense experience.

If you feel unsure about trying out the AmarSa Tantra Massage on your own, then you may find a trusting start together with your loved one is right for you.

My experience has shown that both partners learn a lot about themselves and each other during these sessions including how to ‘let go‘ without reservation and how to recognise and use different and exciting kinds of touch that are especially pleasing to the other.

To observe and allow your partner’s lust and desire is in itself a very powerful exercise and experience.

Although the AmarSa “Ritual to Thirds” ends after about two hours many couples feel the beneficial effects it for a long time. It can also contribute to a wonderful expansion and deepening of the relationship and is often the beginning of a long, sensual journey together.

As with any AmarSa Tantric Massage the recipient decides how far the massage goes. The massage is fluid and harmonious and the focus is on the well-being of the recipient. Towards the end of the massage the other partner chooses to either become integrated and more ‘hands on involved’ with the massage process or remain passive, staying in the background.

AmarSa ‘Ritual to Thirds‘ is a very individually tailored service for couples, so together we will always discuss your wishes and needs before the massage begins.

I invite you to consider AmarSa ‘Ritual to Thirds‘ as a way of re-vitalising your loving relationship with a fresh dynamic.  At the very least this will mean discovering more about and moving closer to your partner by finding new ways to fully enjoy your love and sexuality.

AmarSa Three-way Couple Coaching

For Couples

With this special massage ritual ‘couple coaching to third’ I invite you to experience the AmarSa Tantra Massage with me as an experienced masseuse in the presence of your partner.  As a couple you decide who will be the one to receive and enjoy a four-hand massage and who will be the active partner.

The prerequisite for Couple Coaching sessions are two previously performed AmarSa massages as a “Ritual to Third” whereby both partners will have received one massage and will have watched once in the background.

We will have an extensive preliminary talk theoretically addressing significant topics such as expression and attitude, the anatomy of the genital area, communication, consciously taking time, sensuality and partnership and also possibly limiting beliefs in the area of ​​sexuality.  Furthermore, I briefly coach the active partner before we go into the practical part of the four-hand massage ritual.

The receiving partner will then settle to enjoy the touch of this sensual massage given by her trusted partner and me (possibly with some explanations from me throughout the massage).

The giving partner dives into a variety of touch qualities and possibilities and can practically participate in many varied massage elements and techniques in order to then activate these again in the future.

After the massage we have enough time for common discussion and a re-tracing of the experience.

I cordially invite you to fill your loving relationship with this pleasurable and heart driven fresh dynamic.  Above all, this means meeting your partner with openness and curiosity, experimenting with each other respectfully and exploring new ways together in order to enjoy love, intimacy and sexuality at the highest possible level.

Meet your partner in a whole new way

and discover new impulses to enrich your relationship together.

The Lomi Lomi Nui Massage

Hawaiian Temple Bodywork

.…The loving touch, a connection of heart, hands and soul with the source of all life.

Kahuna Principals:
ALOHA (love is being happy with what ‘is’)
IKE (the world is what you think it is)
KALA (there are no limits)
MAKIA (the energy always follows the atention)
MANAWA (NOW!! – living the moment)
MANA (all the power comes from inside of me)
PONO (effectiveness is the measure of truth)


Lomi Lomi is one of the most profound and powerful forms of massage.

It is based on the Hawaiian Huna philosophy which assumes that everything seeks harmony and love.

Sometimes called ’loving hands’ and ‘heart opening’ massage it works gently yet deeply into the muscles totally nurturing the body which in turn enables the recipient to relax profoundly so they can ‘give in’ and simply BE.

This massage flows with total energy using long continuous, flowing strokes combined with a very loving touch.  It relaxes the entire being and assists in letting go old beliefs, patterns and behaviors that cause limitations which are stored in all cells of our body.

Lomi Lomi helps to release blockages whilst at the same time giving energy a new direction and therefore facilitating the road to healing.  It is not only a physical experience but also facilitates healing on a mental, emotional and spiritual level as well.

The client on the massage table is not viewed as someone to be fixed or repaired but a being who needs returning back to harmony and inner balance.

The AmarSa Intuitive Deep Relaxation Massage

… Relaxation for the whole body

My specially created ‘Intuitive Deep Relaxation Massage’ is a sensitive, energetic, meditative massage with flowing movements.  During this relaxing massage the whole body is lovingly touched and massaged from head to toe (all except the intimate area) and in a very pleasant way you will feel lighter, loosened and super relaxed. Long strokes over the entire body length and weighing movements characterise this style of massage.  The movements are calm, rich and flowing, leaving room for my creativity and intuition.

The ‘Intuitive Deep Relaxation Massage’  combines a holistic massage with intuitive energy work and meditative presence.  Tensions of every kind are dissolved leading to an experience of physical well-being, deep relaxation and physical, mental and spiritual harmonisation.

The AmarSa Intuitive Deep Relaxation Massage is more than a massage.

Under my hands it is a journey into the depths of body awareness where experiences and inner messages are stored.  The treatment consists of a synthesis of various methods such as muscle and connective tissue massage, breathing work, acupressure, gentle stroking, quantum energy healing, reiki and meditation.  In addition, the energy massage stimulates the autonomic nervous system positively.

The healing, deep relaxation of the AmarSa Intuitive Deep Relaxation Massage activates self-healing powers and is therefore a very positive aid to wellbeing and health care generally.

The AmarSa Intuitive Deep Relaxing Massage is an art of consciousness, a loving touch that allows you to physically regenerate and mentally relax.  This makes it much easier to gain access to your inner space of silence and presence in order to experience self healing.

Contact takes place from the heart in a meditative way, sometimes gently, sometimes vigorously, sometimes deeply … as slow or dynamic strokes.  So, in the enjoyment of my changing, living touch, you can enjoy an inner journey of discovery and empathy.

The holistic view, which has 4 levels, physical, mental, energetic and emotional, is becoming increasingly important for sustainable health.

The holistic mode of action of the AmarSa Intuitive Deep Relaxation Massage is especially beneficial for people who are very much under stress and close to overload.

Touch is extremely important to us and to our experience as human beings. Massage, as a natural sedative, helps us relax and is the easiest way to relax quickly.  Touch comforts and calms us and is life sustaining.  As humans, to survive we need touch just as much as we need light, water and food. Combined with the use of selected natural oils and essences this form of soothing touch leads to a really deep state of relaxation.  Before the massage begins we will always have a personal conversation with the aim of clarifying any problem areas and needs.  This allows me to design a very individual and unique treatment for you.

Treatments can only be unique when an individual is treated ‘as a whole’! 

Treat yourself regularly to this relaxing massage break to let your head, body and entire system come to rest.  

Massage means to tune in and feel the liveliness of another human bodywhen liveliness is missing and the body is fragmented.  To make it one again, to help the body’s energy, to no longer be fragmented, no longer full of contradictions.  When the body’s energy is reconciled and becomes the orchestra, you succeed …’  Osho

Reiki Session

What is Reiki ?

Reiki is a very ancient healing method that was mentioned more than 2,500 years ago in the ancient Sanskrit -Sutras and was rediscovered by Dr. Mikao Usui, a Buddhist monk from Japan, in the 19th century.  Since then it is called the Usui system of Reiki.

The word ‘Reiki’ is a Japanese word meaning ‘universal life energy’ or ‘spiritual essence’.


Reiki is a natural and very effective method of transmitting universal life energy, which leads to deep relaxation and harmonisation of energy balance.

It is called the force that nourishes and sustains our body.  By laying on the hands of the Reiki initiate an energy flow is created which can (but does not have to) be perceived as warmth, tingling or pulsing.

The term ‘Reiki’ consists of the two characters ‘Rei’ and ‘Ki’. The ‘ki’ is known as the corresponding term ’chi’ or ‘qi’ from the teachings of Tai Chi or Qi Gong.

‘Rei’ means soul, innermost, all-embracing.

‘Ki’ means inner essence,  e.g. the sum of all the characteristics of a person. At the same time it also describes the energetic radiance of a being, of something existing, it’s ‘life energy’.

Reiki balances body and mind and works on all levels:  physical, mental, emotional and psychic. 

 Reiki stimulates self-healing, strengthens body and mind, dissolves blockages, purifies toxins, balances the power centres (chakras) and the energy channels (meridians), restores harmony and flows in unlimited quantities.  Through Reiki one experiences spiritual growth, transformation and a spiritual blessing.  Reiki is thus an immeasurable gift for us.

 The effect of Reiki 

I t cannot be described exactly how it works because the effect can indeed be detected but not the mode of action.  Dr. Chujiro Hayashi (the most famous student of Reiki founder Dr. Mikao Usui) left in his documents the following thesis: ‘Reiki finds the cause of the physical symptoms, balances or replenishes the needed vibrations, stimulates self-healing and restores holistic health.’

Often water is used as an analogy to describe the effect of Reiki.  If you pour a bucket of water into a pothole in a street the water overflows and spreads to all the other potholes.  You don’t have to go to every single hole and fill them up; the water flows voluntarily into each one.  That’s exactly how Reiki works.  Let Reiki flow and the energy will voluntarily gather where it is needed.

At Reiki, our innermost mind is reminded of this originality – something that has always been and always will be there. The free will of the Reiki recipient is never affected by the Reiki energy.  It flows to a treatment where it is most needed and is most appropriate for the recipient.

Reiki relaxes and enhances inner well-being, it is ideal for stress relief, recharging your batteries, relaxing and finding inner peace again. Reiki is also in contact with one’s own intuition, the inner voice, the spiritual path to the inner self. 

The goal of Reiki is thus to create harmony on all levels of being, in the body, in consciousness, in the aura field and in both the emotional and the psychic realm. The result is wholeness, healing, health and freedom from blockages.


Effect of Reiki on the physical level

Stress reduction, relaxation, calming, strengthening the immune system,p urification of toxins, support of healing processes, for example: Neurodermatitis, Allergies, Cancer, Nerve irritation, Asthma, Tumours, Psoriasis and accelerated healing of wounds.

Effect of Reiki on an emotional level

Harmonising and balancing in the emotional sphere, feelings are experienced more vividly and are more fulfilling, inner strength builds, rejected or repressed feelings are consciously worked on and newly integrated, stress eases, love becomes palpable, sensitivity increases, relationships heal, anxiety reduces and the recipient is generally more open and centred.

Effect of Reiki on a mental level

Intuition develops and intensifies, development of one’s own potential, good opening for images and ideas, new experiences, open for life, creativity, positive attitude towards life, recognising one’s life tasks, promotion of self-development, perception of larger universal connections, clear decision-making power.

Effect of Reiki on a spiritual level

Meditation, greater aura, connection with higher levels, development of spiritual capacities, expansion of consciousness, trust in the divine plan, knowing the meaningfulness of life.

We may never fully understand what the energy of life is exactly because life is greater than us. 

By the way, you do not have to ‘believe’ in Reiki for it to work.  Belief in Reiki is not crucial as long as one is open to it.   Reiki does not replace a doctor or naturopath but it can help support therapies suggested by professionals.

The AmarSa Head and Face Massage

…Let go and enjoy pure relaxation

In our everyday lives more and more is demanded from our heads and minds in so many different ways especially in connection with our daily work.  Both the head and the neck can become so heavily loaded but a gentle, healing massage can really help to ease and relax the tension caused by this everyday stress.

The AmarSa Head and Face Massage massages all areas from the shoulders to the scalp.  This is done by a process of gentle kneading, targeted stretching and circular strokes.  Because the face and the scalp are very sensitive due to many nerve cells the massage is performed very gently.  Through gentle yet intense stimulation it is also possible to reach the entire body and its organs and bring it into a new balance.

The smooth and gentle touches of this massage improve circulation in the head and facial skin as well as strengthening various vessels, nerves and sensory organs thereby relieving the tensions of everyday life.

Concentration difficulties, sleep disorders, nervousness, stress and tension can also be treated naturally and without any side effects due to the soft movements around the face and head.  Tense jaw muscles are loosened with deep, short strokes or selective pressure and neck and shoulders are integrated so painful tension is detected and treated.

In addition to the relaxing effect of the AmarSa Head and Face Massage, blood circulation, the supply of oxygen and lymph flow are all stimulated as well as the skin being cleansed and the muscles tightened.  The nutrient supply to the facial skin improves which can revive the complexion and reduce wrinkles.  The deep relaxation achieved is noticeable and immediately visible from the outside.

Energy points of the body converge on the head, face and also in the ear area. Similar to a reflexology foot massage this massage can release painful blockages and stimulate a self-healing process.  Moreover, this massage gently opens and mobilises your neck muscles, massages and stimulates specific zones and points on the head, activates and relaxes your scalp and relieves all tension in the face.  The mind becomes free and easy, the face soft, relaxed and rejuvenated.